January 25, 2007

Cat And Mouse Games: Manager-Designer Polarities

Why are Managers (Client Servicing / Accounts Executives what ever you know them as) and Creative (the Copywriters and Visualisers or Designers) two tribes at war?

We can’t get into the whole story here. But there’s this interesting bit by David Walker of the Open University, UK that bangs the nail on the head. He calls it manager-designer polarities. That's the chart you see above.

Bang! There you are!

Ugh… remember that Genie joke on advertising. Nothing wrong with enjoying it again at this particular moment.

An ad team is working very late at night on a project due the next morning. Suddenly, a Genie appears before them and offers to grant them all one wish.

The Copywriter says: "I've always dreamed of writing the great American novel and having my work studied in schools across the land. I'd like to go to a tropical island where I can concentrate and write my masterpiece."

The Genie says "No problem!" and poof! The Copywriter is gone.

The Art Director says: "I want to create a painting so beautiful that it would hang in the Louvre Museum in Paris for all the world to admire. I want to go to the French countryside to work on my painting."

The Genie says: "Your wish is granted!” and poof! The Art Director is gone.

The Genie then turns to the Account Executive and says "And what is your wish?" The AE says, "I want those two assholes back here right now."

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