March 30, 2010

How to become that ideas man. Or make a fair beginning.

Just how many of these things have you done? Or done lately?
- Read a cook book
- Volunteer at an orphanage
- Try a hand at pottery
- Assist a child with her homework
- Try your hand at interior design
- Go out on a photo walk
- Go out bug hunting
- Make a comic book
- Make wine
- Spend time at a mechanic's
- Go on a trek
- Watch Cartoon Network
- Visit your SPCA
- Play make-believe

You get the drift, don't you? You can make your own list of things to do that immerse you in varied experiences. Because it's these experiences that are the fertile soil for ideas to germinate.

So what will you begin with? A trek? Reading a cook book? Or something not on this list?

1 comment:

KINGRPG said...

I like that you think. Thank you for share very much.