September 14, 2007

Logo Design - Brief Questions

While designing a logo, what must your ammunition be? Err... what are the questions you need to ask to make the logo memorable, to say the least? This is what 'Design Matters: Logos' recommends:

1. What three audiences will see this logo design the most?
2. If there was one thing you could communicate to each audience, what would that be?
3. What are the brand attributes, promises, features, benefits and positioning statement?
4. What words describe the brand personality? What visuals communicate the brand personality?
5. Where will this logo appear most often? On what media: golf balls; billboards; business cards?
6. Are there any must-haves or nice-to-have items?
7. Who are you competitors? Who are your collaborators?
8. What is the budget in hours? When are presentations scheduled?
9. Why do you need a logo? Or why are you changing the existing logo design?
10. How will you measure this logo design's success? Smooth implementation? Awards? A change in signals? An energised staff? Other tests or benchmarks?


Anonymous said...

Talking of brand building, your 'Mo' brand stands redundant coz ur meetings are on saturdays now and ur blog is still saying, "Gawd! It's Monday Morning! So we hold these Monday Morning Meetings with the honest intent to...."

Wake up! Do some damage control! U r famous, u know!!!!

Logo Design said...

Really informative post for me as a logo designer. I hope get many lesson from this post.