February 29, 2008

Text Ads or Flash Ads?

There! Was David Ogilvy actually speaking about the digital space as well? Here's another debate that is being thrown open. Do text advertisements do better than flashy banner advertisements? Think back to the way you browse websites. Are you more liable to click on a text link?


Anonymous said...

Maybe it is to the contrary....
I would click on a simple...neat execution that appeals to me...

Text I am not sure...probably we can discuss in this friday morning meeting : )

Rage Communications said...

Ha! The debate begins. Thanks for initiating the debate Swati.

Rajesh Rajoo said...

Let's debate it right here Swati, where possibly a wider audience would take part. I'm sure there's one other reader of this blog than the two of us.

That apart, I personally feel that text links work better. It does on blogs and news sites. I do click on text links on these sites and totally ignore flash ads unless they really, really appeal to me.

I guess rediff does a good job of text linkss by inserting them inbetween articles. But yes, a good execution of a good idea is always appealing. Only they are as rare as hen's teeth. What do you think? And that one other reader of this blog think?