June 22, 2009

Who's stopping you? Just do it!

Doing something like nobody else does or has ever done before, calls for:

- the willingness to make mistakes, first and foremost
- the enthusiasm to experiment- the prudence to allocate time for your experimentation and managing it efficiently
- the keeness to follow up new trends, techniques and technologies
- an undying curiosity to find, seek, break the mould...
- a nose for finding the connect between the seemingly incompatible
- and above all loving what you are doing

Which means that you need to attempt doing something that is close to your heart. Because there'll be times when you won't be firing on all cylinders, for whatever reason. If it's something you love, something close to your heart, you'll pick up to speed soon enough. And, remember, in all this you must never forget to "ask" when you "don't know" or when you are "stuck".

So now who's stopping you from doing what you want to do? Just get out there and do it!

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